Mosquito Nets



Your gift will go to support Kids for the Kingdom’s effort to provide mosquito nets to help fight the malaria outbreak in South Sudan and other high risk locations where we work. In South Sudan in particular, hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced by the civil war as well as natural disasters, but many more are affected by malaria and other diseases. Because of the civil war that has been going on since it’s inception as a nation, hundreds of thousands of people have fled to live in the bush. They lack housing and basic necessities such as mosquito nets to protect them from malaria carrying mosquitoes.  Kids for the Kingdom has established project centers at two locations in Aweil, South Sudan where we provide nutritious meals and clean water as well as to share the good news of the Gospel message to over 1000 children each week. Those locations will be the initial point of distribution for the greater Aweil area.

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